Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Multitouch Simulation in Flash

My latest exploration of Dan Zen's sites( Using a series of AS3 classes written by Dan, I was able to simulate Multitouch over the internet in a Flash swf.

Basically, these classes enable a number of users to interact in one game/document over the internet while also allowing the users involved to see what the others are doing on their own screens as well. For my particular swf, scaling with two mice is demonstrated ie if two mice select an image and "pinch" closer together, the image scales smaller and if the mice expand further apart, the image scales accordingly.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Playing With Flash and Web Cams

I've recently taken an interest to learning Flash CS4 and ActionScript3.0. I've been playing around (struggling) with web cam motion capture. Basically, I'm trying to use code to control motion captured by a web camera and then assign that motion to the mouse or an object on the screen. An example would be to, within a Flash movie, gesture your hand infront of the screen to control an object or select a button.
Dan Zen has a website ( that features the primary code that can be used to control web cams. it also features alot of examples of other applications for web cam control. I managed to create something similar to the Fairy example.